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K'hemik'hale ea letsatsi le letsatsi ea hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose

Re nka botšepehi le win-win e le molao-motheo oa ts'ebetso, 'me re tšoara khoebo e' ngoe le e 'ngoe ka taolo le tlhokomelo e tiileng.

HPMC e ka qhibiliha ka har'a solvent e kopantsoeng le metsi a batang le lintho tse phelang ho etsa tharollo e hlakileng ea viscous. Tharollo ea metsi e na le mosebetsi oa holim'a metsi, pepeneneng e phahameng le botsitso bo matla. Ho qhibiliha ha eona metsing ha ho amehe ke pH. E na le litlamorao tse thibelang serame ho shampoo le gel ea shaoara, 'me e na le ho boloka metsi le thepa e ntle ea ho etsa filimi bakeng sa moriri le letlalo. Ka keketseho e kholo ea lisebelisoa tsa mantlha, cellulose (antifreeze thickener) e ka fokotsa litšenyehelo haholo mme ea fihlela litholoana tse ntle ha e sebelisoa shampoo le gel ea shaoara.


Metsi a batang a letsatsi le letsatsi a hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose a na le litšobotsi tse latelang tsa sehlahisoa:

1. Ts'ebetso e ntle ea ho boloka metsi. HPMC e na le litšobotsi tsa hydrophilic. E ka boloka metsi a mangata ka har'a peista, peista le lihlahisoa tsa ho peista.

2. Metsi a batang hang-hang hydroxypropyl methylcellulose HPMC e sebelisa lisebelisoa tsa tlhaho tse tala, tse nang le ts'ebetso e bonolo, ho halefa ho fokolang, tšireletso ea tikoloho le polokeho.

3. PH e batla e tsitsitse, 'me viscosity ea tharollo ea metsi ka kakaretso e tsitsitse ho tloha pH3.0 ho ea ho 11.0.

4. Tharollo ea metsi ea sehlahisoa e na le mosebetsi oa holim'a metsi, emulsification, tšireletso ea colloid le botsitso bo lekanyelitsoeng. Khatello ea eona ea holim'a metsi e ka bang 2% mme tharollo ea metsi ke 42-56dyn / cm.

5. Thickening le ho qhibiliha ha metsi, e ka qhibiliha ka potlako metsing a batang, li-solvents tse ling le metsoako e nang le li-solvents.

6. Eketsa viscosity: ha palo e nyenyane ea ho qhibiliha e ntse e eketseha, ho tla thehoa tharollo e hlakileng ea viscous, e nang le litšobotsi tsa ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng le e phahameng pepeneneng. The solubility tla fetoha le viscosity. The viscosity e tlase, tekanyo e kholo ea ho qhibiliha, e ka ntlafatsang ka katleho botsitso ba tsamaiso.

7. Ho hanyetsa letsoai ho babatsehang. HPMC ke non-ionic polymer, e batlang e tsitsitse ka manyolo electrolyte aqueous tharollo kapa organic electrolyte.

8. Thermal gelation: ha tharollo ea metsi e futhumetse mocheso o itseng, e tla fetoha opaque ho fihlela boemo ba flocculation bo hlahisoa, bo tla etsa hore tharollo e lahleheloe ke viscosity e loketseng ka ho feletseng. Leha ho le joalo, e tla fetoha boemo ba pele ba tharollo ka mor'a ho pholile. Bakeng sa bothata ba gel ea mocheso, mocheso o itšetlehile haholo ka mofuta oa sehlahisoa, mahloriso a tharollo le tekanyo ea mocheso.

9. HPMC e na le lisebelisoa tse ling tšimong ea lik'hemik'hale tsa letsatsi le letsatsi tsa lik'hemik'hale, tse kang thepa e babatsehang ea ho etsa lifilimi, ho hanyetsa li-enzyme tse ngata, ho hasana le ho kopanya thepa.

Nako ea poso: Jul-29-2022