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Phello ea cellulose ether ho seretse se itekang

Re nka botšepehi le win-win e le molao-motheo oa ts'ebetso, 'me re tšoara khoebo e' ngoe le e 'ngoe ka taolo le tlhokomelo e tiileng.

Lithako tse ikemetseng li itšetlehile ka boima ba tsona ho theha motheo o bataletseng, o boreleli le o tiileng holim'a substrate, ho lumella lisebelisoa tse ling hore li behoe kapa li tlameletsoe, ha li ntse li finyella libaka tse kholo, tse sebetsang hantle tsa kaho. Ka hona, metsi a mangata ke tšobotsi ea bohlokoa haholo ea seretse se ikemelang. Hape e tlameha ho ba le tekanyo e itseng ea ho boloka metsi le matla a tlamahano, ho se na percolation le karohano, 'me e be adiabatic le mocheso o tlaase.

Kakaretso ea seretse se ikemetseng se hloka metsi a matle, empa ho phalla ha seretse sa samente hangata ke 10-12cm feela; cellulose ether ke motsoako o ka sehloohong o kopantsoeng oa seretse, le hoja chelete e ekelitsoeng e le tlaase haholo, e ka ntlafatsa haholo ts'ebetso ea seretse, e ka ntlafatsang ho tsitsisa ha seretse, ho sebetsa hantle, ts'ebetso ea tlamahano le ts'ebetso ea ho boloka metsi. E na le karolo ea bohlokoa haholo tšimong ea seretse se seng se lokiselitsoe.


1 Mokelikeli

Cellulose ether e na le phello e kholo ho boloka metsi, ho tsitsisa le ho sebetsa ha seretse. Haholo-holo e le seretse sa ho ikemela, metsi a metsi ke e 'ngoe ea matšoao a ka sehloohong a ho hlahloba ts'ebetso ea boipheliso. Mokelikeli oa seretse o ka fetoloa ka ho fetola palo ea cellulose ether tlas'a motheo oa ho netefatsa sebopeho se tloaelehileng sa seretse. Lintho tse phahameng haholo li tla fokotsa metsi a seretse, ka hona, palo ea cellulose ether e lokela ho laoloa ka har'a sebaka se lekaneng.

2 Ho boloka metsi

Seretse se bolokang metsi ke sesupo sa bohlokoa sa botsitso ba likarolo tse ka hare tsa seretse sa samente. E le ho etsa hore thepa ea gel e be le metsi ka botlalo, palo e lekaneng ea cellulose ether e ka sebelisoa nako e telele ho boloka metsi ka seretse. Ka kakaretso, ha palo ea cellulose ether e eketseha, ho bolokoa ha metsi ka seretse ho boetse ho eketseha. Ho phaella moo, viscosity ea cellulose ether e na le phello e kholo ho boloka metsi a seretse; ha viscosity e phahame, ho boloka metsi ho molemo.

3 Ho beha nako

Cellulose ether e na le phello e thibelang seretse. Ka keketseho ea cellulose ether content, nako ea ho beha seretse e tla lelefatsoa. 'Me ka litaba tse phahameng tsa cellulose ether, phello ea pele ea hydration hysteresis ea samente e hlakile haholoanyane.

4 Matla a feto-fetohang le matla a hatellang

Ka kakaretso, matla ke e 'ngoe ea litekanyetso tsa bohlokoa tsa tlhahlobo ea motsoako oa cementitious cementitious. Matla a hatellang le matla a feto-fetohang a seretse a tla fokotseha ha litaba tsa cellulose ether li eketseha.

Nako ea poso: Jul-01-2022